Solutions for Advertising start with the abilityto share data safely


Enable data-driven product and campaigndecision-making and reporting whileprotecting individual privacy.

our process

A collaborative, calibrated process to assure utility while maintaining privacy

Proven with data-driven leaders, our process and platform deliver on your specific goals.

Define the problem
Outline the problem, explaining the data release purpose, strategy, privacy considerations, error metrics, and a pseudocode algorithm draft.
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Confirm the viability of using DP
Using default hyperparameters, see if it is possible to conduct a differentially- private data aggregation.
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Decide on error metrics to optimize for
Develop internal error metrics to assess the utility of the differentially-private dataset, considering that while added noise is necessary for privacy, excessive noise can compromise data usefulness.
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Experiment with a wide variety of hyperparameters
Before finalizing error metrics, conduct a grid search on hyperparameters such as output threshold, noise scale, and keyset to find the optimal set using the predefined error metrics.
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Productionize the pipeline
Finalize the script with integrated error calculation and privacy loss logging, then automate its execution to run at regular intervals.

Trusted by

Leading data-focused enterprises work with Tumult

How we use differential privacy

Derive valuable insights and boost monetization of sensitive data, while ensuring privacy preservation.

Raw personal data: too sensitive to use
Protective transformation, with DP
Safe to share summary data. DP offers valuable insights with guaranteed privacy.

Proven in production, Tumult's solutions for advertising and publishing advance the work of the world's largest social web properties.

Improve user engagement, and enable data-driven campaign decision-making and reporting,  while protecting individual privacy.

Solutions for publishing and advertising

Why is differential privacy an ideal fit for advertising and publishing’s data use cases?

The advertising and publishing industries are particularly reliant on user data for targeting, personalization, and measurement. DP supports enterprises’ ability to use data while complying with growing concerns and regulations around user privacy and data risk.

Adopting differential privacy not only enhances privacy protection and regulatory compliance but supports innovation that can result from internal and external data sharing, and competitive differentiation around privacy-protecting brand values.

Leading online publishers use differential privacy to improve user engagement, and enable data-driven campaign decision-making and reporting,  while protecting individual privacy.

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Unleash the power and value of your data.